Sensory Play Place 101: What They Are, and How They Benefit Kids

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Playgrounds have always been a great resource for parents looking for outlets for their children’s energy, but what if we told you they could be so much more than that? At Plum Krazy Play, we have created a sensory play place designed to stimulate children’s senses and help them develop their minds as well as their bodies. Sensory play is anything that helps stimulate one of your child’s five senses—think activities like squishing playdough through their fingers, shaking or tilting a bottle filled with water, oil, beads, glitter, or other small objects to see them swirl around, playing musical instruments, and similar experiences.

Sensory Play Place 101: What They Are, and How They Benefit Kids

The benefits of sensory play are boundless, and a specially designed sensory play place like ours offers tons of benefits for your child. Here are just a few reasons to visit our sensory play place with your kids.

  1. Facilitate Developmental Milestones – A sensory play place supports the development of fine and gross motor skills, cognitive skills, language development, and social-emotional skills.
  2. Sensory Exploration – In a sensory play place, your child has the opportunity to explore different textures, sounds, colors, and smells in a safe, engaging environment, which can help them build their sensory processing skills.
  3. Inspiring Creativity – Sensory play places help foster curiosity and encourage children to express themselves and create their own worlds in a sensory-rich environment.
  4. Inclusive Play – Our sensory play place is designed to be inclusive and accessible to children of all abilities, ensuring that every child can have a safe, engaging place to learn and grow.