Making the Most of Indoor Jungle Gyms: Tips for Parent

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At Plum Krazy Play, we have all kinds of amazing play equipment at our indoor playground. One of the most popular pieces of equipment we have are our indoor jungle gyms, which encourage coordination, agility, and movement in your youngsters. Safety is among our top concerns, and we want everyone to come prepared to experience all the fun our indoor jungle gyms have to offer.

Making the Most of Indoor Jungle Gyms: Tips for Parent

Take a look at these top tips for parents who want to ensure their kids get the most out of our indoor jungle gyms.

  1. Dress for Success: Comfort and practicality are essential for playing on equipment like indoor jungle gyms. We recommend dressing your kids in clothing that allows easy movement and won’t impede their exploration and climbing, such as leggings, shorts, t-shirts, and closed-toe shoes with good grip.
  2. Set Ground Rules: Before your kiddos venture to new heights, take some time to establish rules while they’re safe on the ground. We have policies and guidelines of our own, but it’s always helpful to discuss expectations for things like sharing, turn-taking, and respecting others’ space with your children.
  3. Stay Engaged: Designed with children in mind, indoor jungle gyms are likely to keep your kids happily occupied for a long time. However, that doesn’t mean you can totally check out while they play. Pick a spot to wait where you can keep an eye on your kids while still giving them room to explore and play and be ready to offer a helping hand or guidance as needed. Don’t forget to offer lots of praise and encouragement as your kid tries new routes or pushes through a challenging area.
  4. Hydrate for Happiness: Climbing our indoor jungle gyms can cause kids to work up quite a thirst, so be ready with hydrating beverages for them to sip on during breaks. We also have a convenient snack bar filled with kid-approved foods and drinks for you to enjoy.